The City of Calgary introduced the Urban Hens Program for residents to legally own/rent chickens. We are here to assist you in the application process. If you would like to rent from CITY Chickens and are applying to the Urban Hens Program, you may reach out to us to get all the required information to fill out the application, such as coop dimensions and rehoming contact.
You need to apply for the permit before acquiring the rental chickens and coop. We will keep a rental package reserved as you go through the process and when you hear back from the city we can finalize your order!

Here is a step by step guide on how to apply to keep chickens in Calgary.
#1 – Pre-Application Enquiry File Number
This file number will be needed throughout your application. You will call The City of Calgary Planning and Development, at 403-268-5311 and ask for the pre-application enquiry to be created. You will need the following information:
- your address (where the coop/run will be located)
- size of proposed structure you may build for your hens (total area, heights, if the floor will be elevated from grade)
- we are happy to supply this information if you would like to rent a coop from us
- approximate location of where the structure will be located
- if you would like to hardwire in electricity to your coop or other building elements
- our rental coops do not require electricity to run through the summer months
#2 – Criteria
The City of Calgary would like to ensure that you reach the criteria for chicken owning. The following information below is taken from the Urban Hens Program page regarding the criteria you must meet.
- You must be over 18 years to apply for an urban livestock hen keeping license. If under 18, a parent or guardian must apply on your behalf.
- You must contact Planning and Development to get a pre-application enquiry file number
- Completion of approved training on hen keeping and care (including proof of completion).
- You must be the owner of the property or have secured written permission from the property owner, as a requirement for approval of your licence for backyard hens.
- You will need to acquire a free Premise Identification (PID) number from the Government of Alberta.
- Confirm the number of hen licences are you requesting (the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw requires ownership of between 2 to 4, as hens are group animals). Roosters are not permitted and young hens (pullets) shall not be younger than 16 weeks old.
- Hens must not be acquired before licence is approved.
- All hens must remain in the coop or an enclosed run where they must then stay on the licensed property.
- Contact name of where you would rehome the birds (if needed) outside of Calgary.
# 3 – Documentation
- Pre-application Enquiry file number, issued by The City of Calgary Planning and Development.
- call The City of Calgary Planning and Development, at 403-268-5311 and ask for the pre-application enquiry
- A site plan and details of any housing needed for hens
- Completion of training related to hen keeping and care
- This does not need to be completed at time of application, proof of training can be provided later
- Proof of ownership of property or consent of property owner
- Rehoming contact established
- we are happy to be the contact for you to rehome your chickens if required
- A veterinarian established that can provide care to livestock
- Premise Identification (PID) Number from the Government of Alberta.
- there is no cost for creating a PID
#4 – Site Requirements
You will need to provide a site plan for where the chickens will be kept. This can be a sketch of where the coop will be on your property with correct dimensions, including the indoor and outdoor measurements of the coop and run. If you plan to rent from us, we are happy to provide these dimensions.
Your site plan must include:
- Details of the housing/coop and where it will be placed on your property, to demonstrate your ability to maintain the hens’ physical well-being.
- A signed declaration, that you will adhere to generally accepted good hen keeping practices and complete any necessary provincial registration.
- Assurance that you will not keep hens in a manner that causes nuisance or disturbance to the neighbouring community.
#5 – Coop Checklist
The City of Calgary provides a checklist that your coop will need to match before they will approve your permit. Our rental coops meet all of these requirements and we will provide the specifications of the coop for your permit.
Here is the checklist the City of Calgary provides
- The hen coop and/or run must be in the back yard.
- A minimum of 10.2 sq ft (0.92 m2) of enclosed outdoor space will be required for each hen.
- Enclosed outdoor hen space securely fenced with the fence reaching all the way down to the ground (dug down 18 inches or wrapped around the bottom).
- If there are spaces between the fence and the ground, these will need to be covered with galvanized wire or closed off.
- If applicants need to hardwire electrical into their coop, they will need to apply for a Residential Electrical Permit.
- Hen coop specifications:
- Applicants are required to obtain a Pre-application Enquiry file number, issued by The City of Calgary Planning and Development for coops. (It is not necessary for the coop to be built before the Enquiry file number has been issued). If already built, the coop must be a minimum of 4.2 sq ft (0.37 m2)/chicken. If the coop is over 107 sq ft (10 m2), you will require a development permit.
- The chicken coop must have:
- windows
- a light
- a waterer
- a feeder
- roosting platforms/bars
- approriate venting
- nest box
- appropriate hen enrichments
- fencing dug a minimum of 18” into the ground to prevent predator access
- The hen coop must be at least 2 ft (0.6 m) from any fence (unless there are no eaves) and 3’4” (1 m) from the house.
- Must have an enclosure that would house hens with enough space (per hen) both inside and out.
- Hen enclosure needs to be roofed (both indoor and outdoor space).
Following site plan application, you will be contacted so that a peace officer can conduct a site inspection for application approval.
The site inspection will include:
- general back yard
- fenced in area where hens will be allowed to roam
- chicken coop inside and outside (If applicable)
Once approved, you will need to pay your licence fee!
#5 – Regulatory
As a permit holder, you must:
- Have proof of ownership of the property where the livestock is kept (or proof of consent of the property’s owner).
- Have proof of completion of any training or mentoring.
- Keep all housing consistent with what was approved in the application for the licence (and in good repair).
- Not keep less than two or more than four hens without approval through licensing application.
- Not slaughter a hen or a pigeon within city limits.
- Must not sell or give away the licensed hen to another person without the approval.
- Must notify the City of Calgary if the hens are being relocated or moved and must agree to an inspection of any new location.
- Egg selling or distribution must adhere to municipal, provincial and federal legislation.
#6 – Hen Courses
The City of Calgary asks that you pass a chicken training course before taking ownership of your flock. There are two approved training options for Calgary residents:
Alberta Farm Animal Care – this is a virtual workshop providing certification to own backyard chickens. Dates for 2023 have not been set.
River City Chickens – this is a virtual workshop providing certification to own backyard chickens. There is currently a date set for February 15, 2023.
#7 – Hen Safety and Concerns with Avian Influenza
You will need to have training about Avian Flu ensuring that you can properly identify when a chicken is sick and what are the correct steps to taking care of that bird. Avian flu does not typically occur in smaller hobby flocks, and the backyard hens will be limited to groups maximum of four per household.